Da dove vieni?

Where do you come from?

Presente dei verbi regolari

Present of regular verbs
To recap, Italian verbs are divided in 3 conjugations -are, -ere, -ire, distinguished by the endings of the infinitive form. In its infinitive form, a verb has no subject and isn't conjugated. In English, an infinitive is always preceded by "to" (to be, to do, and to read).

To conjugate or use a regular -ARE verb, first you remove the letters -are from the infinitive, which leaves you with the stem:

infinitive: parlare
stem: parl-

To the stem, add the ending -o, -i, -a, -iamo, -ate, or -ano according to the subject.
To conjugate or use a regular -ERE verb, first you remove the letters -ere from the infinitive, which leaves you with the stem:

infinitive: vedere
stem: ved-

To the stem, add the ending -o, -i, -e, -iamo, -ete, or -ono according to the subject.
To conjugate or use a regular -IRE verb, first you remove the letters -ire from the infinitive, which leaves you with the stem:

infinitive: dormire / capire
stem: dorm- / cap-

To the stem, add the ending -o, -i, -e, -iamo, -ite, -ono (1° group) or -isco, -isci, -isce, -iamo, -ite, -iscono (2° group) according to the subject.

Verbi irregolari "andare" e "venire"

Irregular verbs "andare" (to go) and "venire" (to come)