Create meaningful sentences by combining the different words provided.
<b>Sono</b> I am;<b>australiano / a</b> Australian (m.) / (f.);<b>Parlo</b> I speak;<b>perfettamente</b> fluently;<b>inglese</b> English;<b>e</b> and;<b>anche</b> also
;<b>cinese</b> Chinese;;<b>abbastanza bene</b> quite well;<b>francese</b> French;<b>ma / però</b> but;<b>inoltre</b> moreover
<b>La mia amica è</b> My (female) friend is;<b>italiano / a</b> Italian (m. / f.);<b>Parla</b> He / She speaks;<b>molto bene</b> very well;<b>polacco</b> Polish;;<b>invece</b> instead
<b>Il mio amico è</b> My (male) friend is;<b>portoghese</b> Portuguese;;<b>un po' (di)</b> a little (of);<b>rumeno</b> Romanian;;
;<b>scozzese</b> Scottish;;;<b>spagnolo</b> Spanish
;<b>tedesco / a</b> German (m.) / (f.);;;<b>coreano</b> Korean
Nationalities and languages have no capital letter.
Descrivere occhi e capelli
Describing eyes and hair
Create meaningful sentences by combining the different words provided.
<b>Ho i capelli</b> I have ... hair;;<b>castani</b> brown;<b>lunghi</b> long
<b>Ha i capelli</b> He / She has ... hair;;<b>biondi</b> blond;<b>corti</b> short
;;<b>scuri</b> dark brown;<b>di media lunghezza</b> medium lenght
;;<b>neri</b> black;<b>lisci</b> straight
;;<b>rossi</b> red;<b>ricci</b> curly
;;<b>colorati</b> colored;<b>mossi</b> wavy
;;;<b>a spazzola</b> spiky
;;;<b>rasati</b> very short / crew-cut
<b>Ho gli occhi</b> I have ... eyes;;<b>azzurri</b> blue;<b>e (non) porto</b> and I (don't) wear;<b>gli occhiali</b> glasses
<b>Ha gli occhi</b> He / She has ... eyes;;<b>castani</b> brown;<b>e (non) porta</b> and he / she (doesn't) wear
;;<b>neri</b> black;<b>e (non) ho</b> and I (don't) have;<b>la barba</b> a beard
;;<b>verdi</b> green;<b>e (non) ha</b> and he / she (doesn't) have;<b>i baffi</b> a moustache
The word for "hair", i capelli, in Italian is plural. That means that all adjectives referring to capelli have to be plural and masculine, e.g. Ho i capelli castani, lunghi e lisci (I have brown, long and straight hair).
Il tempo atmosferico
The weather
Create meaningful sentences by combining the different words provided.
<b>In inverno</b> In the winter;<b>in Lombardia</b>;<b>raramente</b> rarely;<b>fa</b> it's;<b>caldo</b> warm
<b>In primavera</b> In the spring;<b>in Sicilia</b>;<b>a volte</b> sometimes;;<b>freddo</b> cold
<b>In estate</b> In the summer;<b>in Liguria</b>;<b>spesso</b> often;;<b>bel tempo</b> good weather
<b>In autunno</b> In the autumn / fall;<b>in Trentino</b>;<b>di solito</b> usually;;<b>fresco</b> cool
;<b>in montagna</b> in the mountains;;<b>c'è*</b> it's;<b>il sole</b> sunny (literally, the sun)
;<b>al mare</b> at the seaside;;;<b>il vento</b> windy (lit., the wind)
;;;;<b>la nebbia</b> foggy (lit., the fog)
;;;<b>piove</b> it rains
;;;<b>pioviggina</b> it drizzles
;;;<b>nevica</b> it snows
* C'è literally means "there is". C'è il sole - there is sun, c'è la nebbia - there is fog.