Concordanza nome-aggettivo

Adjective-noun agreement
Adjectives in Italian are words that provide additional information or description about a noun, letting you know the size, shape, weight, color, nationality or any other qualities.

Adjectives in Italian always agree in gender and number with the nouns they refer to.
They are typically placed after nouns, though this isn't always the case.

There are two main types of adjectives, as listed in the dictionary: those ending in -o and those ending in -e in their default form (masculine singular).

To recap, the pattern of Italian adjectives is:
When an adjective modifies two or more nouns of different gender, it keeps its masculine ending:
Invariable adjectives

A few adjectives are invariable; that is, their ending does not change. The most common are some of the color adjectives: blu (blue), rosa (pink), and viola (violet, purple).