Verbi in -are

Verbs ending in -are
Italian verbs are divided in 3 patterns -are, -ere, -ire, distinguished by the endings of the infinitive form (in its infinitive form, a verb has no subject and isn't conjugated):
To conjugate the presente indicativo of regular verbs ending in -are, first remove the letters -are from the infinitive), which leaves you with the stem (e.g. costare, cost-), then add the appropriate ending (-o, -i, -a, -iamo, -ate, or -ano) according to the subject.

Let's conjugate the verb amare (to love):
To recap, the pattern of the indicativo presente of regular verbs ending in -are is:
The presente indicativo is used for:

  • events happening in the present
  • habitual actions
  • current states of being and conditions
  • actions planned to occur in the future
